Six word Saturday

Fish and chip baby jumper complete!

Fish n chip baby jumper

I haven’t knit for more than 20 years, but when I was asked at a recent t’ai chi class if I could, and learnt the reason why, I had to rediscover the talent.

The Cause is “fish n chip” babies in Africa.  These tiny scraps are sent home, newborn, from hospital, wrapped in newsprint for the want of other clothing.  Can this really be happening in our world?

With my usual flair, I bought wool from a kind market stall assistant, who donated half a ball leftover from her own contributions to this cause, only to find that I had no knitting needles!  I used to have a huge collection, including many from my late Mum, but remembered too late that I’d put them all into a charity sack.  The likelihood of me knitting again hadn’t been great.  After much texting of friends I finally acquired some and the above is the result.  Finally!

It made me really happy to knit this, so I’m starting another, on my borrowed needles.  Also, I’m remembering my manners this week and including a linkback to whose excellent idea Six week Saturday was.


  1. Thank you for peeking in on my Six Words about ‘fish and chips (also)’. You have enlightened me on the poverty situation in Africa.

    We have a similar situtation in our town, near Houston, Texas. Except, I am sure, not to the scale of yours.

    Our Sunday school class makes quilts for poor mothers who will not have things to take care of their children when they get home from the hospital. Besides the quilts our package includes diapers, lotions and powders, formula, and other things which are needed to start caring for a child.

    The nurses in the maternity ward point out to us likely candidates for the packages and we go ahead and give them no questions asked. They never see us although do include a note saying that their present came from our Sunday school class at the First Baptist Church of Conroe, Texas.


    You are hard to find from your Blogger profile because you do not include this WordPress site in the Web site area. Really though it was easy once I went back to the Six Word Saturday post. 🙂

    I am sorry that I am late in returning your 6WS comment. Thank you for coming and peeking in and leaving your comment. ‘Things’ got the best of me and I missed a lot of them. But please come back the next time I am brave enough to try the Six Word bit. I do return comments even though they might be late once in a while.


  2. oh! so that’s what you meant! what a great idea – I wish I had kept my Mom’s knitting needles now – I’m sure I could find some though – please can you send me the pattern too?
    thanks Jo and have a FAB weekend


    1. I Google’d this the other day and there appear to be quite a few of these kind of projects going on, mostly for Aids babies. Talk about having a good start in life!
      Ours are being rounded up locally and we have about 150 so far. Imagine all these tiny mites in their joyful colours!
      I have the pattern if anyone wanted it- very straightforward, knit in one piece on one size needles. The only proviso is no pale or pastel colours, as these items may never be washed. God bless them.


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